I am sending you to them…

to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light.

Jesus Christ (Acts 26:17-18)

The desire of EyeWitness Missions is...

to be the hands of Christ by joining the fight against reversible blindness through eye care and curative treatment to medically underserved people.

Upcoming plans


March 2024 - Artacho, Philippines

October 2024 - Cornwall Regional Hospital, Jamaica


We just completed our fall Skagit County, Washington clinic in partnership with North Cascade Cares on October 20 and 22, 2023.

Find out about our mission, methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.

International Expedition | Jamaica 2022

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.

Make a Donation

Financial support helps make these missions possible. Please know that your donations go directly to help underserved people have improved vision. This organization is made up entirely of volunteers.

Thank you!